Bridge over troubled waters

My psyche is so powerful that it even tuned me into another song, to prepare me for what was ahead...

A new version of this oldie played repeatedly on the radio. Eventually, I was putting my own CD on repeat at this track. I was being prepared for the 14th of October 2010, the day I had to remember a Dr. Philism; "You teach people how to treat you". I was about to succumb to rationality, when I heard his voice. I then lay me down like a bridge over troubled water...

The water has not yet calmed down; I continue to be my own bridge over troubled water...

Lyrics | Simon And Garfunkel lyrics - Bridge Over Troubled Water lyrics

I Have A Dream

Last year, around June, I played this song of ABBA repeatedly. I shared it on Facebook; I mailed the link to my friends. Again, my psyche knew that something big was lying ahead.

I was dreaming, I was suffering, my psyche knew I was heading at a crossroads and that there would come a time that I would have to lie me down and cross the stream.

My psyche chose this song from my childhood to prepare me for that day in October and this long year…

“When I know the time is right for me I’ll cross the stream - I have a dream” it played in mind day in and day out…

Today, I can say, I crossed the stream, because I have a dream…

An EFT tapping exercise: On suffering

This tapping is based on pages 9 and 10 of The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle.

Even though I feel alone and scared, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I feel alone and scared, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I feel alone and scared, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I feel alone and scared, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I suffer, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I have this suffering, I love and forgive myself.
Even though I do this suffering, I choose to be a blessing to myself.
Even though I feel alone, isolated and fragmented, I choose to feel connected and loved.
Even though it feels, as if my life is fragmented and as if parts of it are isolated and alone, I choose to experience the connection.
Even though I feel fragmented and as if parts of me are isolated and alone, I choose to be aligned to my truth.
Even though I am in conflict with my world and the people in it, I choose to find opportunities of connection.
Even though parts of me are in conflict with each other, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I feel alone and scared, I choose to feel connected and loved.

Copyright: 2011, by Lorraine Joubert, All Rights Reserved
The end of suffering - To be a blessing to myself!

This is an EFT tapping exercise - To learn more: EFT/Tapping video

Opening the box

This piece is based on pages 9 and 10 of The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle.

If I look into myself, I shall find the gold. It may be difficult to pry the lid open. It takes time, effort and help from others. However, every time I open the lid, I find gold, Every time it is worth the trouble. Every time I am elated. Every time I am satisfied with what I find.

So often I am afraid I will open a can of worms, Pandora’s Box, or something that should rather have stayed inside a box. Yet, every time I, and the content of the box is happy that I opened the box…

Copyright: 2011, by Lorraine Joubert, All Rights Reserved
The end of suffering - To be a blessing to myself!

The Simple Dollar » Switching Jobs / Switching Careers

The Simple Dollar » Switching Jobs / Switching Careers: "If your job or your career path is making you deeply stressed, it’s likely also making you sick, reducing your current state of health and also possibly reducing your long-term health. No amount of money is worth actively sacrificing your health and well-being. It is far better to live a frugal life with your sanity and your health than have a well-paying job that’s sapping your vitality away."

Lorraine Joubert | LinkedIn

Lorraine Joubert | LinkedIn: "Social Worker in Private Practice, Imago Facilitator in Training, Professional Rehabilitator in Training, Model, Writer."

Lorraine Joubert's Public Profile

Lorraine Joubert's Public Profile: "Lorraine Joubert is a Social Worker in Private Practice, Imago Facilitator in training, Professional Rehabilitator in training, Model and Writer."

Lorraine Joubert - LookupPage

Lorraine Joubert - LookupPage: "Lorraine Joubert is a Social Worker in Private Practice, Imago Facilitator in training, Professional Rehabilitator in training, Model and Writer."