Today, I am busy with day 4 of The Wealth Conditioning Program.
(To learn more click here.)
My supportive belief is “I am the kind of person who is super rich and wealthy”.
While doing the VAKS, my mind started telling me that I am too old.
This thought comes from all the insurance brokers and financial advisers, who put pressure on one to buy annuities and create health while still being young. They then show one these graphs, which makes it seems completely impossible to put enough money away as you get older, if you would only start when you are older. This is all true, but right now, it is not a helpful thought.
So, I immediately started doing EFT:
Setup: Even though I am older than 40; I completely love and accept myself.
EB: Even though I am older than 40; I completely love and
accept myself.
SE: Even though I have only 20 years to go, before I turn 60; what if I can create enough income, and may continue doing so, after I turned 60?
UE: Even though I do not have enough time; what if I do have
enough time?
UL: Even though there is no way, I can make enough money, before I go on pension; What if there is a way?
CH: Even though it is too late; what if I do have time?
CB: Even though I am too old; what if I am young enough?
UA: Even though I am older than 40; what if that is young enough?
TH: Even though I am older than 40; I completely love and
TH: Even though I am older than 40; I completely love and
accept myself.
The process cleared that thought out of the way, so I had to find another reason for not being the kind of person who gets rich. It was not difficult. I am a social worker. Social workers do not make lots of money. I tapped on that.
Setup: Even though I am social worker and we do not make lots of money; I completely love and accept myself.
EB: Even though, I am a social worker and we do not make lots of money; I
completely love and accept myself.
SE: Even though, I am a social worker and we just do not make lots of money; what if can still be the kind of person who gets super rich?
UE: Even though, I am a social worker and we are not paid enough; what if I have other sources of income?
UL: Even though, I am a social worker and we do not get paid high salaries, what if I can create money in other ways?
CH: Even though, I am a social worker and we do not get rich, what if I
know something others do not know?
CB: Even though, I am a social worker and we struggle on our salaries, what
if I may attract wealth?
UA: Even though, I am a social worker and clients prefer to see psychologists in
private practice, what if my clients value my skills and expertise?
W: Even though, I am social worker and that will not make me rich; what if I can create lots of money?
TH: Even though, I am a social worker; I completely love and accept myself.
Copyright: 2013, by Lorraine Joubert, All Rights Reserved
This is an EFT tapping exercise - To learn more: EFT/Tapping video